Monday, October 20, 2014

Passion or Pressure?

Hello all!

I know it's been a minute since you guys have heard from me, but life has been keeping me pretty busy. Sometimes a little too busy. I'm always open to blog about any of your suggested topics, so feel free to continue sending me ideas. I love it. :)

Anyways...the topic that I wanted to touch on today is passion. So many people disagree with my views on this subject. We all have things that we are passionate about, and I believe that we all have a purpose on this earth. For the longest time, I've believed that our passion and our purpose were somehow connected. I mean...God wouldn't give us a vision if it had nothing to do with our purpose...right?

I'm not so sure. 

These days, I'm realizing that the things that we were put on this earth to do actually don't involve pressure. Take modeling for example. I've witnessed many girls struggle with their weight, and suffer from eating disorders. I just do not believe that God wants people to suffer like that. If I didn't have such a fast metabolism, I would not model. I love food way too much. Me breaking up with food would be me putting pressure on a situation that was not meant to be. (Lol...ok...maybe that was a bit dramatic, but do you get where I'm going with this?).

Once pressure gets added to situations the situations no longer feel good. I personally do not think that anyone should be participating in anything that does not feel good to them, or is not conducive to their evolution. People make it seem that in order to get what you want you have to sacrifice so much and things are so hard. If that were the case then why do things come so easily to some people and not others? Possibly because everything is not meant for everybody. I do agree you have to work for things that you want, but when you put your everything into something and it just does not work out, do you really think that you are working toward your purpose? I think that working against the universe has nothing to do with your divine purpose.

From my experiences:

-I know when I'm going in the right direction, is when God opens many doors for me, and the energy on the situation is positive.

-I know that I'm passionate about something when I don't consider what I do to be work. 

-Things that I've had to put pressure on often turned out not to be the right situation for me. This goes for anything in life, from relationships all the way down to jobs. 

So what do you think? Do you think that it is okay to force a situation because of our own personal wants? Or do you think that we should focus on finding our purpose, which will lead us to finding our passion?

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Get Ready To Catch Baby Fever!!! Eliana Overload!

I'm absolutely obsessed with this photo of Eliana!!

Eliana is my favorite model. Period. I turn my camera on her every chance that I get, and I can tell that she gets annoyed with me. But I don't care. lol.

(This blog post serves no purpose other than me wanting an opportunity to obsess over my baby once again. Goodbye. )

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Face Beatin' Beauty

Listen up people!

If you're into makeup, then I'm sure that you're familiar with a good old fashioned "face beating". Well I'd like to turn the spotlight on one of Atlanta's talented makeup artists ....who isn't a bad hairstylist either. ;)

Smashbox is a cosmetics line, born out of LA's famous Smashbox Studios. They offer a variety of beauty products ranging from lipsticks, all of the way down to makeup primers. And who better to do your makeup, than the manager of Smashbox counter in Nortdrtoms, located in Phipp's Plaza?

With 8 years of experience in the beauty industry, Lola is the one to go to for all of your beauty needs. Lola believes in enhancing natural beauty, not covering it up. So if you are in the Atlanta area, and you need to get beautified for any occasion, then you might want to check her out:)

For all inquiries, email:
Instagram: @Oooh_Lo_Lah

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Too "Fashion" For Commercial? When They Try To Put You In A Box..(a random fashion post)

Hey guys!

This has really been on my mind for the past few days, so I'm happy to finally post it. Some of you can relate, most of you can't...but here goes...

I was reading an article recently, and in the article, the author stated that modeling agencies will come up with plenty of excuses to reject you. They will even say things such as, "You are too editorial", which translates to "you are just too ugly, sorry". As much as I wanted to root for the person writing this article, I had to sadly disagree with them. Maybe they're wrong....or are they?

One of the most important things that you can do in your modeling career is find a management team that believes in you. So what does this say about the models that are being told that they are "too editorial", yet, they're already signed? The statement kind of contradicts itself, due to the simple fact that I don't think that an agent will sign a model if they find her to be ugly. It makes no sense.

I have personally been told that I am "too high fashion" at nearly every commercial agency that I've been signed with. I've still been signed, but the commercial jobs definitely weren't coming my way. I was excepting of it, and I had gotten to a place where I was okay with it.

Until one day....

Working with many agents, you pretty much get used to the things they may say. Making the decision to take my talents to Miami seemed to be an easy decision for me, at first. The agent that I'm working with decided that it would be a good idea to market me in more of a commercial way, because I was "too fashion" for a market that specializes in Macy's and swimwear. He certainly can't think I'm "too ugly" can he?

So now, here I am, doing only commercial/lifestyle shoots. My agents are happy, and I'm chuckling, because I'm sure that everyone doubted whether or not a six ft tall, size two girl, can actually be relatable on a "girl-next-door" level. I am. I knew that I was doing something right when my mom called me to tell me, "I love your new work. You look sooo commercial now". lol

Do Think Your Baby Has What it Takes?

Hey Guys!

So, I have completely lost count of the amount of times I get asked, "I really want to get my child into modeling. What do I do?"

Not only have I been modeling for some years now, but my daughter Eliana recently started working with her first modeling agency as well. As most of you guys probably know, if you want to have a successful modeling career, you have to have a good agency behind you. I'm finally posting step by step tools to get your adorable child's foot in the door, and on his or her way to a successful modeling career.

1) Take some digitals.
Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to have professional pictures to become a model. To get noticed by an agency, all you need are simple snapshots (as pictured above). Who knew? A small digital camera will do the job. Agencies just want to see what your baby looks like. That's it. So take the photos and send them in. Just the original photos. No filters, no photoshop, or none of those ridiculous skin softening apps that are becoming very popular. *side eye* Just the pictures.

2) Google modeling agencies in your town.
If you want to get your baby into modeling, my advice would be to start close to home. The reason is simple. Most parents do not have time to fly all around the world with their child, and that's okay. If you get a local agent, then the majority of your child's jobs will be local.

3) Make sure that the agency you choose is reputable.
If they ask you for money up front, then it is a scam. Many companies prey on naive parents, desperate to make their child a star. Be extremely careful. A legit agency will take any fees, such as photography and website fees, out of your child's first paycheck. If you don't make money, then they don't make money.

4) Be prepared for rejection.
Many people are surprised to learn that the majority of a model's career is spent being told "no". I've approached dozens of agencies before I found the right one for Eliana. And many of them told me that "She just isn't what we're looking for right now, but please resubmit in 6 weeks". That does not mean that your child is ugly. Agencies choose their models according to what their clients are asking for at that particular time. If they say "no" then it could simply mean that they may not have enough work for your child at the time. They could have too many "curly haired" models on their roster at the time, and not enough work to satisfy them. You never know. So don't take it personally.

Those are the four steps to get the ball rolling in your child's modeling career. Feel free to contact me with any questions.  Thank you for visiting my blog, and I wish you the best of luck! :)

Stay Alfred Midtown ATL Until recently. I was under the impression that a hotel was the best option for my family and I while  traveling. La...